Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo


Basic Info

Main Cast
Lee Sung-kyung, Nam Joo-hyuk, Soo-jin Kyung, Lee Jae-yoon
Youth, Romance, Comedy
TV Rating
Hyun-jong Oh
Hee-seung Yang, Soo-jin Kim
Filming Location
South Korea
Production Company
Chorokbaem Media
Country of Origin
South Korea
Original Language
Original Network
Air Time
Wednesday/Thursday 10:00PM
Original Release
11/16/2016 – 01/11/2017
Duration Per Episode
70 Minutes
Number of Episodes


Kim Bok-ju——due to the influence of her father, a former weightlifter——boasted an extraordinary history of strength since childhood. Now as a promising weightlifter, her heart was taken by a stormy first crush.

Due to her title in the weightlifting department, she had never been offered a blind date. Nontheless, she accepts that it is her career and her fate as a weightlifter.

However, Bok-joo encountered a man of destiny who gives genuine smiles and treated her like a lady for the first time.

After she found out that he was a doctor at an obesity clinic, she went aimlessly and signed up for an eight-week weight loss program… Oops! Of all people, he happened to be the older brother of her foe-like classmate——Jun-hyung…[1]


    Episode 1 If You Hate Your Food, Give It to a Dog. If You Hate a Person…
    Bok-joo Kim
    That’s not enough to put anyone behind bars. You need evidence.
    This is precisely why our society never improves!
    Everything prevents ex-convicts from starting afresh with confidence!
    Is a pretty face and popularity all you have?
    You should be a decent human being first!
    That’s right! We know you have bad morning breath just like us do! ——Seon-ok Lee
    Joon-hyung Jung
    I thought her finger got cut off…Are you okay?
    I’m okay…
    But my sausage just died… ——Bok-joo Kim
    Do you want me to express my condolences or something?
    Dae-ho Kim
    I’m sorry, but I have to go out.
    Jong-ki’s father passed away.
    You know him? My friend from the army…
    Of course I do…
    By the way…
    His dad would be thrilled to see you in this glitter jacket. ——Chang-gul Kim
    Deok-man Yoon
    You see, how you finish is as important as how you start…
    When I was a player like you, I always turned on and off the lights at the gym!
    Why? Was I a bad player? Of course not!
    Personality is as important as the talent and…
    In short, don’t forget to turn off the lights, understand?! ——Sung-eun Choi
    Episode 2 If You Come Into My Heart
    Bok-joo Kim
    Seon-ok seems fine…
    Just how much gimbap did you eat?
    Seon-ok has a cast iron stomach….
    That country girl is used to eating anything and everything. ——Nan-hee Jung
    Doctor…Do you like Messi?
    Tae-kwon Cho
    By the way, I’m hungry.
    Our dear juniors are working so hard.
    Why don’t you treat them some snack?
    You’re the one who is hungry. I don’t know why I should…
    Buy them food…Do you want me to? ——Joon-hyung Jung
    Sung-eun Choi
    Consider yourselves lucky.
    Hyung-chul’s great-grandmother passed away, so he’s not here.
    If that fatso was here… Gosh….
    Coach Choi!!! Guys!!! Wait for me, wait for me!
    I didn’t want to be late, so I took a cab here!
    My mom said I don’t have to attend the burial… ——Hyung-chul
    Are you sure you don’t have to go? ——Bok-joo Kim
    Hyung-chul, you should have gone to the burial!
    Have we met before…
    Weren’t you on the weekend drama?
    You’re the patient next to the lead character in the hospital.
    Episode 3 Let It Go
    Bok-joo Kim
    What? Why do I have this little?
    Right! I bought Uncle Dae-ho a birthday gift last month…
    Why did I buy him a jacket instead of a pair of socks?
    Joon-hyung Jung
    Do you know why you’re unhappy?
    It’s because of the gap between what you want and your reality.
    Try to be a little less greedy.
    Speaking of what’s on your mind, don’t force yourself to come to a conclusion.
    Based on my experience, time solves everything.
    Chang-gul Kim
    If you have any conscience, you can say that again after earning ten dollars back!
    You worked as an extra, but you didn’t even get paid.
    Don’t tell me what to do!
    Episode 4 Her Double Life
    Bok-joo Kim
    Goodness, everything is either black or gray.
    Is my wardrobe customized for funerals?
    A monk’s wardrobe would be more colorful than this.
    I’m sorry, but can you get me to the dormitory? Hurry up.
    Ma’am, this isn’t a taxi. ——Joon-hyung Jung
    Joon-hyung Jung
    Most girls cringe when startled, but you get ready to punch. I knew it.
    Speaking of which, do you want my fist in your face?! ——Bok-joo Kim
    Who doesn’t like gifts?
    As long as she didn’t make it.
    What’s wrong with a handmade gift? ——Bok-joo Kim
    Think about it.
    If she made the gift, it means she thought about him while she was making it…
    He’d feel uncomfortable. You said they aren’t close yet.
    What’s going on? It’s normal amount.
    You should stack your food up like world’s famous mountains.
    Let rice be the Rocky Mountains, meat be the Alps, and fish cake be the Himalayas…
    Deok-man Yoon
    I hope that you’ll live that way too.
    Instead of being happy with making to the national team and winning, I hope that weightlifting makes you happy.
    I wouldn’t want any of you to wreck yourself and be obliged to retire weightlifting just to win a medal.
    Just like how you have to wait until the end of the game for the results, you have no idea how your life will turn out!
    Let’s talk about soccer games.
    During the second half, you might turn off the TV thinking that the team already lost. But what happens?
    Right at the last minute, the team makes a goal.
    You must watch until the end! If you do that, you’ll win.
    Episode 5 I’m Happy to Be a Woman
    Joon-hyung Jung
    Do you and your friends ask everyone if they like Messi?
    Is Messi aware of this terrible fact?
    Gosh, you startled me.
    If you’re going to shove your face into mine, give me a warning first!
    Relationships aren’t like sports. Effort does not guarantee success.
    Tae-kwon Cho
    He’s a little full of himself and plays games with people’s emotions.
    I told him numerous times he’d get punished for his deeds, but he never listens to any of my advice.
    Anyway, I’ll guide him to the best of my ability so that there’s no problem.
    Am I sick?
    Looking at those bags of rice makes me want to do something.
    Guys, I think Hyung-chul is hungry again after seeing those bags of rice. ——Sung-eun Choi
    Episode 6 Long Tails Either Get Caught or Get Stepped on
    Bok-joo Kim
    Do you think all things in life are that simple?
    Right, you probably have no idea how life really works.
    You’re from a good family, you’re a natural swimmer, you’re good-looking, and girls are all over you.
    I was an idiot to expect advice from you!
    I’m going, you stuck-up!
    I should be the one getting mad at you! How can you yell at me after giving me your cold? ——Joon-hyung Jung
    Joon-hyung Jung
    What’s wrong with her? What is she wearing?!
    I set her up with a good chance. She should be wearing a pretty dress and showing off her charms!
    Only then, my brother would say, “You look so charming today, Bok-joo.”
    But with those clothes, it’s all down in the drain…
    Watch out, Bok Joo!
    Gosh, that was close.
    Thank goodness for my quick reflexes.
    Hey!!! Come here, you jerk! ——Bok-joo Kim
    Gosh, I really can’t catch a cold!
    It’ll last long.
    My germs are very strong like me.
    It’s an awesome virus. ——Bok-joo Kim
    If I really catch a cold, I’m going to…
    I’ll return the virus by kissing you if I have to.
    Wait and see.
    Episode 7 Happy…Birthday To…
    Dae-ho Kim
    She’s still a girl even if she does weightlifting.
    Whenever I see Bok-joo, I feel bad for her.
    She’s always in her sweatpants making deliveries on the motorcycle.
    Her palms are rough like the back of a turtle. Those aren’t the hands of a lady.
    Deok-man Yoon
    Trust is real when you trust something that you can’t see.
    Hardships are necessary for growth.
    Tae-kwon Cho
    Do you expect me to believe that you stayed out all night alone?
    When did you leave, who were you with and what time did you get back?
    Nan-hee Jung
    When you like someone, you can’t let the feelings go easily.
    Episode 8 The Wind Is Blowing
    Bok-joo Kim
    No guy has ever stood me up before.
    I bet you’ve never gone to the movies with a guy. ——Joon-hyung Jung
    Joon-hyung Jung
    Don’t think too much. You’ll get a headache.
    Just think of it as your first love and let it go.
    For women, isn’t the last love of their life more important than their first love?
    Shi-ho Song
    That has burdened me the most.
    The fact that my life is also your life.
    Why are you being greedy over my life?
    You should have lived your own life better. Why did you have me and put me through all this?
    Deok-man Yoon
    Coach Choi! You’re wearing the same clothes.
    Didn’t you go home last night?
    Yes, I did! I like this outfit, so I have several of it. ——Sung-eun Choi
    I don’t think it’s that nice.
    Episode 9 The Good Thing About a Secret Crush
    Bok-joo Kim
    In order to make one lie true, you need to make up seven more lies.
    As one lie produces another lie, and that lie bears yet another lie, I became a lying machine.
    The guy I like doesn’t like me back.
    And the guy I don’t like doesn’t like me, either.
    Right. Life is certainly not easy. ——Joon-hyung Jung
    By the way, Joon-hyung, do you know what really started this fate?
    You’re going to talk about fate now? What is it? ——Joon-hyung Jung
    The dressing table.
    My dad found a dressing table and brought it home.
    If he hadn’t brought it home, I wouldn’t have had to walk by there…
    If I hadn’t walked by there, I wouldn’t have met Dr.Jung…
    So, you are responsible for this!
    Hey, you’re drunk. Let’s go now. ——Joon-hyung Jung
    I’m not drunk.
    But, do you know when things started going wrong?
    Yes. It’s either the dressing table or me. ——Joon-hyung Jung
    How did you know?
    Hey, what’s your IQ?
    Is it over 100?
    Sure we say that looks aren’t everything and that being dedicated to achieving our dream is more important…
    But it’s not something we want to show to the guy we like.
    One good thing about having a crush on someone is that I get to decide when to end it.
    Joon-hyung Jung
    Bok-joo, Let’s put your hand over this.
    This hand, too.
    You’ll learn how much difference a piece of newspaper can make.
    Everyone keeps a few painful wounds buried in his or her heart.
    If they can move on, it’s great. And even if they can’t, they’ll still live.
    They become numb to the pain with time.
    Tackle what’s in front of you first, then just wait.
    Time will take care of everything.
    Episode 10 A Comma or a Period
    Joon-hyung Jung
    As a fellow athlete, I thought that you were very cool, but I’m disappointed these days.
    Who will love you when you’re that ashamed of yourself?
    Why can’t you see that…your consideration for others can hurt their feelings??
    Even when I broke your things, even when I drove your car without telling you and made a scratch, you never get angry at me.
    My friends would say I have such a great brother.
    But it somehow made me sad.
    “I see. It’s because I’m not his real brother.”
    “I’m just…just a stranger being protected by this family.”
    It must’ve been hard for you to be understanding and considerate..
    But I hoped you would get angry at me, and sometimes beat me up like other brothers do!
    That’s what I hoped for.
    Why do you keep making me feel uneasy?
    Why do you keep making me worry if you’re okay?
    Jae-yi Jung
    I had no idea that being nice to you would create more distance between us.
    Maybe I’m the one with the problem.
    Ah-young Go
    It’s good to love someone, but you need to be loved to boost your self-esteem.
    Episode 11 It’s the End…It’s Not the End…
    Bok-joo Kim
    I don’t have anything particular in mind.
    I’ll just help my dad at the restaurant or sleep all day.
    Maybe I’ll go up the mountain and train my spirit.
    You can’t go up the mountain.
    Try to stay in town.
    Don’t go out of my sight. Don’t go too far, either.
    If you get bored, call me. I’ll hang out with you.
    Call even if you’re not bored, I’ll hang out with you anyway. I’ll be on standby. ——Joon-hyung Jung
    What’s going on? Are you really allergic to udon?
    Sometimes…like when I don’t feel well. ——Joon-hyung Jung
    I’ll play “Wedding March” at your wedding.
    No, thank you. You’ll only ruin my wedding.
    Instead, why don’t you stand beside me? ——Joon-hyung Jung
    Are you crazy? Why would I stand at your wife’s spot?
    Joon-hyung Jung
    You’re a corpse without your awesomeness, you’re one right now!
    Call me as soon as you wake up. Call me before you eat and when you go to the bathroom.
    Are you a pervert? Why would I call you in the bathroom? ——Bok-joo Kim
    Fine. Don’t call me in the bathroom.
    Call me before and after you eat lunch. Call me before and after you eat dinner, too. Okay?
    When I eat with people I’m not comfortable with, I get panic attacks, become violent, and curse at times.
    There is no reason for liking someone.
    I like you because I just do.
    Go out with me for just one month.
    See if you are attracted to me and how things will be like if I am your boyfriend.
    Get a full experience and decide whether to keep me or not.
    Are you some kind of product they sell on television? That sounds ridiculous. ——Bok-joo Kim
    From her eyes and nose to her lips, everything is mediocre. But together, they look harmonious and cute.
    Dae-ho Kim
    Wow, look at my beef soup. One, two…only two…
    There are only two pieces of beef. Wow, this is so interesting.
    In Bok-joo’s bowl, there are two, four, six, eight…
    Is she having the beef stew instead?
    My goodness, you’re so honest.
    You’re not ashamed to discriminate so openly. I like that.
    Part-time Student
    I could tell you were more than just friends. His eyes shot out lasers at me.
    He’s just a man, a person, a mortal, a human! ——Bok-joo Kim
    Episode 12 Her Bucket List
    Bok-joo Kim
    Dad, I’m sorry.
    I’m sorry for making you worry.
    I’m sorry for making deliveries when you told me not to.
    I’m sorry that I was rude to you.
    I’m sorry that I said the gimbap you made was ugly and didn’t eat it when I was a kid.
    Joon-hyung, I decided not to return you. I’ll keep you.
    I think I like you, too.
    No, I like you!
    Episode 13 Jealousy Is the Rounding Up of Love
    Bok-joo Kim
    Stop. My hands are coarse because I didn’t put on hand cream.
    It’s fine. It feels like acupressure treatment. I like it. ——Joon-hyung Jung
    I’m sorry, girls. I’m such a horrible friend.
    I used to hate girls who neglect their friends when they get boyfriends, but I need to date, too. All right?
    I didn’t want to look childish, so I wasn’t going to say anything…
    You’re so sweet to your ex-girlfriend.
    Fine, I get it. She’s sick. I understand that part.
    But how could you go on about her pollen allergy in front of me? Did you have to be that obvious?!
    Then you didn’t even notice me pigging out and talked to her on the phone for so long!
    Did you two have that much to talk about?!
    You’re doing so well, Joon-hyung Jung.
    Act as you just did, don’t ever look at other girls.
    And you can be as mannerless as you want.
    Also, don’t wear things that show your chest. Got it?
    Joon-hyung Jung
    By the way, isn’t that hairpin the one you used to wear when you went to see my brother?
    He said it’s pretty, right? Or did he say it suits you well?
    No. He didn’t say that. ——Bok-joo Kim
    Don’t you lie to me! I know he did!
    Don’t wear that anymore. Wear something else.
    I have nothing else. Isn’t this pretty? ——Bok-joo Kim
    It’s not pretty at all! It’s hideous!
    Gosh. Why are you so irritable today?
    I know why. It’s long past your snack time.
    You’re all grumpy because you’re hungry, aren’t you?
    Why do girls not tell guys what they’re mad about and expect them to just know it?
    What is she doing out there in the middle of winter?
    Dumb people ask for trouble!
    Why is she mad at me? I’ll never know if she doesn’t tell me!
    My life’s motto is, “I’d rather be a hungry Socrates than a satisfied pig.”
    Episode 14 This Girl is Mine
    Bok-joo Kim
    Gosh, you guys. You’re always here. Why don’t you just switch rooms with me?
    For some reason getting rid of dead skin is easier in your room. ——Seon-ok Lee
    You’re dead. I’ll kill you!
    You’d better finish up within five minutes.
    Get that filthy hand off of him.
    Who is she? ——Girl on blind date
    I’m his girlfriend who you’ve been touching!
    Joon-hyung Jung
    You don’t know that. We can’t be sure what will happen in life.
    It suddenly scares me. ——Bok-joo Kim
    Hey. Even if it’s scary, it’s not something you can avoid. Don’t be scared.
    Let’s just work hard and get through one day at a time.
    Let’s work hard to lift weights, swim and date.
    Seon-ok Lee
    Didn’t Hyung-chul say that his ideal type is Ye-seul Han?
    Your ideal type doesn’t always match the person you actually date…That’s what I hear. ——Bok-joo Kim
    Maybe it’s because it’s winter now. I see so many couples.
    Just yesterday, we saw a gross couple fooling around over there.
    You two. Don’t you ever betray me, okay? Especially you, Bok-joo Kim? ——Nan-hee Jung
    No way. Bok-joo would never do that.
    A guy put her through so much not so long ago.
    She would be crazy to date another guy again.
    Your skin got so young that it’s back to its adolescent days.
    Why did you get a big pimple at your age?
    You look terrible.
    I have an idea.
    If you eat a lot of oily food, it’ll get inflamed. Why don’t you pop it when it does?
    That makes sense.
    Shall I touch it with my dirty hand? ——Nan-hee Jung
    Nan-hee Jung
    Don’t eat it~ Yield it to the skin~
    Tae-kwon Cho
    This is not how you should live your life!
    What’s wrong with Bok-joo? ——Joon-hyung Jung
    Sure, I like her, too. She has a great personality after all.
    But great personality is not enough to make her your girlfriend.
    More than anything…she eats too much!
    And she’s too strong!
    I think she’s sexier that way. ——Joon-hyung Jung
    Episode 15 That’s How You Become an Adult
    Bok-joo Kim
    Every child is dear to their parents.
    You’re dear to her, but her other child is sick…
    She must help her sick child first.
    It doesn’t mean she loves you any less.
    You have to cover your face as much as possible from now on, okay?
    Nothing can really mask my good looks. ——Joon-hyung Jung
    Why do you have to be this handsome?
    How about you shave your head?
    Joon-hyung Jung
    You have a dad who supports you wholeheartedly. You also have a great uncle, and more importantly, you have me who is your dearest.
    You’ll be leaving in 13 hours 26 minutes and 15 seconds. Now, 14 seconds….
    Bok-joo, I’m not sure I’ll be okay when you’re not around.
    I’m the one who’s more worried.
    You made me addicted to you without me realizing it. ——Bok-joo Kim
    Shi-ho Song
    That’s the mire of dating.
    You get worried if he doesn’t call you and you think he’s changed if he sounds just a little different on the phone.
    Episode 16 Spring Again…Youth…and Us
    Bok-joo Kim
    Be honest with me.
    What are you up to these days?
    Have you been partying and hanging out with girls like crazy?
    Do you think I’m crazy?
    I know you’ll kill me if I do that. ——Joon-hyung Jung
    He doesn’t love me as much anymore. What a jerk.
    He used to be so sweet to me.
    We weren’t even apart for that long!
    What are you doing, Uncle?
    Prevention? ——Dae-ho Kim
    Why are you cleaning the fire extinguisher?
    To prevent fire? ——Dae-ho Kim
    I’m very thoughtless.
    I’m self-centered and not understanding at all.
    I don’t deserve you as my boyfriend.
    I’m worried because you’re too handsome.
    On top of that, you’re tall and have a great personality that any girl would fall for.
    What else? ——Joon-hyung Jung
    Your hands are warm, and you’re good at swimming and kissing.
    What else? ——Joon-hyung Jung
    What else do you expect me to say? There’s nothing more.


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Google Drive MEGA
©Genie Music
  • You&IJong-wan Kim of NELL
  • DreamingHan Hee-jung
  • I’ll Pick You UpStanding Egg
  • Again and AgainLee Jin-ah
  • From Now OnKim Min-seung
  • Somehowj.mee
  • Is It LoveHyun-jung Ahn
  • PermeateHae-in Lee
  • Clear
  • Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo
  • Twenty Years Old
  • Another Dream, One Mind
  • A New Beginning
  • Lovely Day
  • Haneul Sports University Weightlifting Department
  • Bokju’s Family Chicken Restaurant
  • Blessing love
  • What??
  • Male Friend vs. Female Friend
  • The Ugly Trio
  • See You Again!
  • Lost Dreams
  • Us That Day
  • Toads and Coins
  • Her Bucket List
  • Obesity Clinic?
  • Sly
  • You’re Gonna Keep It a Secret, Right?
  • Do You Like…Messi?
  • Breathtaking Secret Crush
  • I’m Sorry I Couldn’t Protect You…
  • Miss You Again and Again
  • A Strange Pink Atmosphere
  • That’s How You Become an Adult
  • Lost
  • Trauma
  • Mother’s Postcard
  • Distance of Mind
  • Comfort
  • From Girl To Woman
  • Beginning of Flutter
Source of Content Above[2]


Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo – Characters
MBC[Retrieved 10/04/202O]
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo – OST
Bugs![Retrieved 10/03/202O]
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I enjoy cooking, baking, making origami, listening music, and collecting quotes from dramas.