
    Main Ingredients

  • Sugar 300g
  • Water 150ml
  • Lemon/White Vinegar* 23ml
  • *For those who don’t have lemon on hand, vinegar is a great substitute.
    However, if you use lemon, the flavor would be better.

    Baking Soda Water

  • Water 30ml
  • Baking Soda 1/8tsp


  • In a stainless steel saucepan, combine all the main ingredients.
  • Bring to boil over medium heat. Do not stir once syrup starts boiling.
    ***Stiring the syrup may cause crystallization.***
  • The color of the syrup will darken as it cools. Refer to image #1 for a lighter colored syrup, image #2for a darker colored syrup. Then turn off the heat and remove the saucepan from heat source.
  • #1
  • In a small bowl, dissolve baking soda with water, then pour into the syrup and give it a quick stir. Many bubbles will form during the process.
    ***Adding baking soda water balances the ph level of the syrup.***
  • After most of the bubbles has disappeared, transfer the syrup to an airtight glass container. Do not put on the lid unless the syrup has completely cooled.
  • For a better flavor, it is recommended to let the syrup sit for 7 to 15 days before using.
    Homemade inverted sugar syrup should last from 6 months to a year.
    PS: this recipe yields half a jar this size, the following is made by doubling the ingredients.
  • If there are still many bubbles existent after syrup has completely cooled, check if your syrup is too thick. If it is, go to step a. If it’s not, go to step b.
  • Heat up the syrup again over low heat, then add in a little water.
  • Open the lid and let it sit somewhere dust-and-insect-proof overnight. If the bubbles has visibly lessened on the following morning, put on the lid.
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I enjoy cooking, baking, making origami, listening music, and collecting quotes from dramas.